Monday, January 15, 2007

Long ass time

Hi guys its been a while.My cpu went down,my BPT final hopes went down in flames,my lil guy is almost here and the holidays.Those are all the reasons/excuses I could come up with why I didnt post.
I have been at other sites in the past month but now I am back at hard to stay at the other sites.I encountered numerous problems and BS when I was away.
So I am back now and ready to play some poker.I will be back with poker updates in a few day's.
I loved the NFL games last weekend.I went 4 for 4 and now my sportsbook bankroll is 4X fatter.It was pretty easy to pick em I found. My only regret was not putting more money on the games,especialy the seahawk game.Its gonna be a good 2 games this weekend.Its so sad that the season is almost over.I am gonna have to wait 7 months after the big 1 in february.