Saturday, August 19, 2006

So close...

Lately I am always finishing on or close to the bubble. I dunno whats going on but It's getting depressing. Today I got reamed in the 5$ short, pillaged in the 3$ and sodomized in the 5$.LOL.Thats how it felt.I didnt even want to play the last one, the 9 30 am 5$ nl. I tried to get out but the clock hit 25 just as I deregisterd, so I was stuck in it. I was getting rags for half of my stack was at 490$ then this happend. I get pocket 7's ,I push right away. Get 4 callers . The flop was 7 7 10. I was up to 3k. I kept on getting big aces and was up to 5k before I knew it. I hit nothing for the rest of the game. Finshed a big 12th.
I started playing ring games again. I cant believe what people bet with. I had this guy push me in 10$ with nothing. I had k9 with the board K 9 5 2. I think for a sec then call him. He turns over J 7, I tagged dude pretty fast before he left.It has been pretty easy to sit in with 5$ and eave with 30$ plus a cht load of comps. I also got coupons for the 20k and the two 4k's.Its been a long time since I got in the 20k, should be fun. I heard that they will be changing the freerolls next month at ,hope they bring back the dailys.
I am about to play Skinski charity tourney.He was my team mate back in the probable days.Looking forward to playing some quality poker[I hope] and giving a lil piece to charity.I will be trying to cash at the 5$ short tonight too.I got 2go get some food in belly,then some weed in my lungs,then beer to liver,repeat weed.You get the picture.So If I am shitting on people tonight after 9 pm you know why.See ya at the tables


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